Customizing and Branding Rooms

  1. Overview
  2. Customizing and Branding Rooms

How to add a Pomodoro Clock using Fouita or Pomofocus

Add a Pomodoro Clock to enhance time management and maintain focus during your virtual sessions: Starting from After your Pomodoro Clock is ready: 1- Click on the " ...

How to Add a Music Playlist using Fouita

Adding a playlist into your rooms can create an innovative and relaxing environment to increase creativity and focus. Follow these step-by-step to know how to add a music playlist ...

How to Embed Video, Audio, Calendar and Mode Inside your Rooms

How to Add More Circles

For adding more circles in your rooms: Join any of your rooms room. You can see a list of them here Click on the circle to sit Click on This Room located at the bottom menu C ...

How to Customize your Room Background

How to Embed a Canva Design

If you want to put a banner or a multi-page presentation with buttons inside your room, embeding a Canva design is one of the best choices that you will find in GoBrunch. Starting ...

How to Create a Custom Virtual Space from the Scratch

How to Connect Rooms, by Adding Navigation Arrows

How to Embed a CTA Button or a Landing Page with a Form

GoBrunch has the flexibility for you to embed content and there are many ways for adding a CTA button or even forms. Here is an example: Login on and create a si ...

Recommended Resolution and Sizes

While there's not one-size-fits-all, here is a basic recommendation for your designs. Backgrounds GoBrunch will alwasy fit your backgrounds on full-width, with no stretching o ...

How to Change the Circle Color and Opacity

Join your room and take a seat Click on This Room Click on Room Settings Click on Background and Editor Click on the circle that you want to change the color or opacity Clic ...

How to Resize the Circles

Here's how you can resize your circles: Join your room and take a seat Click on This Room Click on Background and Editor Click on Resize Circles Choose one o ...