How to Change your Room Settings and Preferences

  1. Overview
  2. Changing your Room Settings
  3. How to Change your Room Settings and Preferences

GoBrunch allows you to customize your preferences for each room that you create.

How to access your Room Settings

1. Join your room. You can see the list of all your Spaces here.

2. Take a seat

3. Click on This Room

4. Click on Room Settings, which is the first option.

This will allow you to change your Room Preferences and we will provde more details below.

How to change your Room Presets

After you opened the Room settings options, you'll see this set of controls. It's very handy to personalize your preferences and this should be 

Here you can find the description of each one of them.

Participants can Turn On Their Mics: The icon of the Mic will be available for all participants to be be able to turn it on.

Participants can Turn On Their Circle-Cams: The icon of the Cam will be available for all participants to be be able to turn it on.

Participants can Share Their Screens: The icon of the Screen Share will be available for all participants to be be able to turn it on.

Participants will Auto-Seat After Joining: They don't need to click on a circle to seat, since this will be done automatically.

Participants' Mics will be Turned On Automatically After Joining: The Participants will receive a request for turning on their mics automatically once they join.

Test Mic and Cam While Joining: GoBrunch will automaticaly test the participants' mics and cams before taking a seat. If they are not detected, we'll show a popup with instructions.

Joining Notification: You will hear a sound everytime someone joins your room. In addition, the name of the person will show up in the chatbox.

Bad Words Filter: It's a collection of bad words that will be filtered and not sent once someone tries to submit a message.

No Date & Time Notification: By checking this option, your participants won't see a notification showing when the event starts as they join.

Save Chat History: If enable, even after your session the chat will be displayed for anyone who joins the room. Every attendee who joins will be able to read the chat log. Keep in mind you can delete the chat at any time.

Note that Presenter Cams, Screen Share, Bad Words Filter and Save Public Chat History will only take effect for new people who join your room, after you have updated it.

How to change the Name of your room

Here you can change the name of the room.

How to change the Date and Time of the Room

You can set the start and end date of your session. If the date is in the future, your attendees will see a popup once they join. In addition, if you have chosen to collect registration at the moment you created your Space, the date and time will be displayed at the landing page as shown in this example.
Keep in mind that even if the date has passed, everyone will still be able to join. If you want to prevent it, you can lock your room.

How to create a Secret Key for your Space

You can create a Secret Key for each of your rooms. 

Keep in mind that you can change the secret from time to time. You can learn more about how to setup a Secret Key for your rooms here.

How to change Your Display Layout.

GoBrunch has a Dynamic and Presentation View. Dynamic allows you to move and resize the cams, screens and chat. Prensetation has a fixed position. Regardless the one that you previously chose, you can change from inside your Room under This Room.

Dynamic Mode

In Dynamic view, you can move and resize your cameras, screens and chat.

Presentation Mode

In Presentation view, the chat is fixed at the right side, the screen share at the center and the Presenter Cameras at the top. If you scroll down you can see your virtual room.

How to Switch your View

  1. Join your room. You can see the list of all your Spaces here.
  2. Take a seat
  3. Click on My View
  4. Click on Dynamic or Presentation
  5. The active view will be displayed in green

How to Change for all Attendees to See in Presentation or Dynamic as Default

  1. Join your room. You can see the list of all your Spaces here.
  2. Take a seat
  3. Click on This Room
  4. Click on Room Settings
  5. Switch to the desirable view

How to change the Room Layout

If you want to change the room layout, we recommend you doing that before your session, or you might have to ask your attendees to refresh the page.

In case you have customized your background using the Background & Editor Editor, changing the Room Layout won't take effect.

Make sure to choose a room layout that can accomodate all your invitees. If there's no circles avaialble, they won't be able to seat and therefore not be able to hear or interact with anyone.

How to change different Rooms from the Same Space

If you have multiple Rooms inside your Space, you don't need to join them to update their settings.

1. Click on All Rooms

2. You'll see your Space Panel, containing all your Rooms.

3. Click on the Pencil icon

This will open the same menu as clicking on This Room > Room settings.



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