How to Record

Start Recording

  1. Join you room an take a seat
  2. Make some tests to make sure if it's better for you to record in Presentation View or Dynamic View. The recording will record your entire room. If it's in Presentation Mode, you can focus on the top side of the screen containing your Presenter Cam and your Screen Sharing.
  3. Click on the Record icon located at the bottom menu bar. It will open a window and then click on the Red Button within the window. Only organizers and moderators have this option.
  4. You'll see a popup to choose which screen you want to record. We recommend you to choose your Tab then choose the current tab of your GoBrunch room that you want to record. Everything that shows in your room will be recorded, including your screen share window, your camera, your participants' cameras and their audio as well.
  5. Once you choose your Tab and click on Share, it will start recording and you'll see a flashing indication on the bottom menu.
  6. If you want to stop it, click again on the recording icon and you'll see pause and stop.
  7. Once you stop it, still within this window you'll see the file and the status.

Important Note: If you need to close your screen share, don't click on the Stop Sharing blue button. In order to make sure you're closing your screen instead of the recording, always click on Screen - Share your Screen from the GoBrunch bottom menu bar, or click on the X mousing over the screen share window. This will prevent you to accidently stop your recording instead of your screen share.

Note: Be careful in clicking the blue button Stop Sharing, because this might pause your recording. If you want to close your screen share, mouse over your screen and click on the X icon. 

Share Screen from Mac Catalina or Superior

If you are using a Mac Catalina or superior, you might need to follow these steps in order to allow recording:

  1. Click on System Preferences.
  2. Click on Security and Privacy.
  3. Click on Privacy tab at the top.
  4. Search for Screen Recording.
  5. Check to allow Google Chrome or Firefox.
  6. Close your browser and re-open it.

Recording from Safari

Safari currently only allows sharing the entire screen with limited options, therefore, recording is not available. Recent versions are about to be released with more options.

Check here how to download your recording videos


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