How to Integrate GoBrunch with Zapier

  1. Overview
  2. Integrating GoBrunch with Different Apps
  3. How to Integrate GoBrunch with Zapier

GoBrunch can be easily integrated with third-party apps using Zapier.

How to Generate Access Keys

  1. Enter your Account Page -
  2. Click on Generate Keys, located at the right side of your screen

You will see User Key and Password Key

How to Register a User to One of your Spaces Using a Zapier Action

Choosing your Space ID

  1. Choose the Space you want to you want your invitees to be registered at. You can choose from inside your room copying the URL.
    1. If your URL is, 2167621 is your SpaceID.
    2. If your URL is, then your your SpaceID is still 2167621.
    3. If your URL is, then it's either a meeting or a custom URL and right now meetings are not supported. You can create a co-working space, showcase, event, classroom or webinar instead. 
    4. It's important that you copy this number before you customize your URL.
  2. Alternatevely, you can find and copy from your My Spaces section.

Setting your Zap

  1. Sign in on Zapier
  2. Create a new Zap or edit a previous one
  3. Connect with the tool that you're collecting registrations
  4. Create an Action with GoBrunch
  5. Choose the Event Register to Space
  6. Click to Connect with your Account and paste your credentials. Be sure you paste the User Key and Password Key in the proper order.


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